Financial Services

Securitization Investment Platform

Building a large scale data management platform for International Securitization Vehicles. Main challenges were to create a system and pipeline for supporting millions of monthly updated data, and providing real time statistics, time series, aggregations and future simulations.

The main tech stack used was Python on Django framework, with asynchronous Celery workers and FastAPI microservices, all managed in a Kubernetes cluster in AWS.

Grant – Online payment and money transfer Worked with a fully serverless managed mobile application, with the main focus of rating services and transferring money in forms of tips, focused on European customers. The mobile app (developed using React Native) is managed in Firebase and GoogleCloud services such as Firebase Real Time Database, Firebase Authentication, FirebaseStorage and Cloud Functions (deployed in node.js).

Trade Data Visualisation – Statistics and Visualisation platform for +2TB of data Worked on a Big Data solution platform for a company that gathered more than 2TB of unstructured text data (csv, json, xml) related to trades, import and exports of countries. Main challenge was to deliver a platform that could structure the data and give the user the possibility to run queries and filters in order to generate special statistics and visualisations. Project was discontinued due to server funds. The platform was developed using Python Flask as the main backend solution, integrated closely to Apache Spark and Hadoop File System for all the data processing and retrieval.