Agile Transformation

Given the appropriate mindset, Agile practices can help organizations work well throughout the company. This means working on continuous improvement and flat management, defining team roles internally, not assigning them externally, small teams of 3 – 9 people empowered to move in quick iterations, meet daily to solve issues and prepared for release at the end of an identified time period.


Agile Assesment

If Agile Transformation is the process of moving to a flat organization of small autonomous teams, open, adaptable, and engaged in continuous improvement, then Agile Assessment is the ignition to that process.

Agile Training

If Agile Assessment ignites the process of Agile Transformation, Agile Certification and Training are usually the first stop on the Agile Transformation Journey.

Agile Consultancy and Coaching

If Agile Transformation is the process of moving to a flat organization of small autonomous teams, open, adaptable, and engaged in continuous improvement, then Agile Assessment is the ignition to that process.

Agile Transformation Roadmap

Agile Transformation is the process whereby an organization shifts from a more traditional mindset to Agile principles and practices. This can take several months to get going and is a major commitment from management, but most companies will report increased delivery and revenue as a result. The process is long-term and consists of the following steps:


Derg Consultants conducts an Assessment for companies seeking Agile Transformation consulting. The Assessment can take from 2 days to several weeks. When finished and evaluated, the Agile consultants will provide an Adoption Roadmap and clear communication of how to proceed.


Education is at the heart of change. From Scrum Basics trainings to advanced certifications, these are 2-day trainings which can be with or without certification.


Agile ensures that value is optimized throughout the development process. It recommends creating cross-functional and self-organized teams, introducing new team roles, such as Scrum Master and Product Owner, who is the connection between the business and the team.


Tools are work management practices to give the tide of development a push forward. It is important that all members of the team use the same tools, issue types and flows.


This refers to attitudes and behaviors which encourage all levels of an organization to be naturally more adaptive, flexible and cohesive. Since Agile is a mindset, the degree to which it penetrates the organization is the point at which the culture begins to be defined


The best Agile coaches support the teams, monitor progress with different surveys and metrics, aim for less and less involvement, and recognize when their jobs are over. Support can be individual and group guidance, such that the team naturally becomes more independent. Coaches can always return when they are needed

How Your Business Can Benefit from Agile Transformation?

Become more flexible

Better respond to market change

Being open to change

Increase in revenue share.

Applying new knowledge into practice

Product relevant to user needs

Accelerate time to market

Radical shift in attitudes, mindsets, and culture

Increase in revenue share.

Agile Transformation Solutions

Go Agile

∗ 1-2 months

∗ 1-2 teams

∗ Agile Fundamentals

∗ Scrum/Kanban/Scrumban

∗ Team Level

scale agile

∗ 4 + months

∗ 3 Teams

∗ Program Level

* Portfolio Level

* PI Planning Sessions 

live agile

∗ 6 + months

* Entire organization

* DNA of the company

* Business Agility

* Scrum/Kanban

* Support Functions

* Strategic sessions

* Value Streams

 * C-Level